Open Door Philosophy

Hey philosophers! Ever crave a deeper dive into the Open Door after an episode? Welcome to the vault, where we crack open the archives, dissect ideas that didn't fit on air, and share behind-the-scenes antics you won't hear anywhere else. This newsletter isn't just echoes from the podcast; it's a wild goose chase through philosophy's unexplored alleyways, packed with exclusive tidbits, thought experiments, and community challenges. Want to grill Taylor about her Plato obsession? Need Mr. Parsons' secret sauce for crafting mind-bending questions? Crave exclusive bonus content and early access to guest interviews? Then strap on your thinking caps and buckle up, because the Open Door newsletter is about to blow your mind wider than Plato's Symposium. Subscribe now and let the philosophical adventure begin!
  • Deeper Dives: We'll revisit key questions from episodes, unpack complex arguments, and offer alternative perspectives you won't hear on the podcast.
  • Behind the Scenes: Peek into the recording studio, witness philosophical debates that didn't make the cut, and get to know the hosts beyond their microphones.
  • Community Corner: Challenge yourself and connect with fellow listeners through exclusive thought experiments, book clubs, and Q&A sessions with the hosts.
  • Bonus Content: Exclusive interviews, early access to upcoming episodes, and hidden gems from the Open Door archives, delivered straight to your inbox.
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